Year: 2025 | Month: February | Volume: 15 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 302-312
Effect of Plyometric Exercise on Upper Limb Strength and Speed Performance Among Professional Cricket Bowlers – Quasi Experimental Study
Dr. Mahajan Pradnya1, Lathi Aachal2, Dr. Shinde Mukesh3, Dr. Saini Vikash4
1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, 2BPTh Intern, Jalgaon, 3Assistant Professor, Dept. of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, 4Professor, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy,
1,2,3,4Dr. Ulhas Patil College of Physiotherapy, Jalgaon, India.
Corresponding Author: Lathi Aachal
Aim: To study the effect of Plyometric exercises on upper limb strength & speed performance among professional cricket bowlers.
Relevance of study: The study reflects the need and importance of plyometric exercise to improve performance in sport. The principal neurophysiological adaptation states that the stretch-shortening cycle activation is similar in both upper and lower extremities.
Methodology: In this experimental study, 30 patients were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Pre- and post-analysis was conducted using the Plate Tapping Test and Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test. The plyometric exercises were prescribed to the patient for 4 weeks, five days per week. A minimum sample size of 30 was obtained through purposive sampling.
Result: On intragroup comparison using paired t test the pre intervention mean of plate tapping test was 17.430±3.42. Obtained p value after the intervention is <0.0001 with post mean 13.533±2.75 which implies that there is significant difference between pre post comparison for closed kinetic chain upper extremity stability test was 81.530±18.68 Obtained p value after the intervention is <0.0001 with post mean 93.714±17.06 which implies that there is significant difference between pre post comparison.
Conclusion: Plyometric exercises are effective for increase in bowling speed and strength Performance among professional cricket bowlers.
Key words: Plyometric exercises, Strength and Speed of bowlers.