International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: September | Volume: 9 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 301-308

Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Adverse Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs Among Care Givers of Psychiatric Patients

Ms. R. Lalkimi1, Mrs. Nilima Rakshale2, Mrs. Jaya Gawai3

1M.Sc. Nursing, Dept of Mental Health Nursing
2Asso. Professor, Dept of Mental Health Nursing
3Asso. Professor, Dept of Mental Health Nursing
Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University), Sawangi (M), Wardha, Maharashtra, India

Corresponding Author: Ms. R. Lalkimi


Background: Caregivers involvement in the treatment has been recognized as an integral component of mental health care. The increased emphasis on care giver participation has to some extent been driven by the shift away from hospitals towards primarily providing mental health treatment in the community, wherein care givers are more extensively engaged in supporting consumers.
Objectives: 1. To assess the existing knowledge regarding adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs among care givers of psychiatric patients. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of self instructional module regarding adverse effects of antipsychotic medicine among care givers of psychiatric patients. 3. To find association between their knowledge score with selected demographic variables.
Materials and method: 100 samples of care giver of psychiatric patient were selected by purposive sampling technique and in this study one group pre test post test design was used.
Tool: Structured questionnaire and self instructional module. Results: Knowledge regarding adverse effects of anti psychotic drugs among care givers of psychiatric patients 94(94%) of them had poor level of knowledge score, 6(6%) of them had average level of knowledge score. The minimum score was 1 and the maximum score was 10. Assessment of post test knowledge regarding adverse effects of anti psychotic drugs among care givers of psychiatric patients 3(3%) have average knowledge score and 10(10%) have good level of knowledge score, 66(66%) of them had very good level of knowledge and 21(21%) had excellent level of knowledge score respectively. The calculated t-value was 48.41 and tabulated p-value was 0.05. Hence it is statistically interpreted that the self instructional module on knowledge regarding adverse effects of anti psychotic drugs was effective. Thus the H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected in this study. Conclusion: The study concluded that self instructional module regarding adverse effect on antipsychotic drug is effective.

Key words: Self Instructional Module, Anti-psychotic Drug, Effectiveness, Care-givers, Adverse effects.

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