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Review Article

Year: 2019 | Month: June | Volume: 9 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 323-326

An Emphasis on Agrya Aushadhi W.S.R to Astanga Hridaya

Dr Keerthana J1, Dr Prakash L Hegde2, Vijay Javagal1

1PG Scholar, 2Professor,
Deparment of Dravyaguna, Sri Dharmastala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda, Thaneeruhalla, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr Keerthana J


Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical sciences of the world, which aims at promotion of health and treating the disease of an individual. Ayurveda gives prime importance to Saptapadartha, where Dravya is one among them. Dravya is an entity where in Guna and Karma recide by an innate quality (Samavaya Sambanda). In Ayurveda “Ekala dravya prayoga” is given prime importance, where in Agrya Prakarana most of the Dravya mentioned are Ekala (single drug). Agrya prakarana mentioned in classics explains about Aushadha, Ahara and Vihara under a broad heading of Ekala Dravya for promotion of health as well as treating the disease. This paper mainly highlights about the drugs mentioned in Astanga Hridyam Agrya Aushadha.

Key words: Agrya Aushadhi, Astanga Hridayam, Ekala dravya, Dravya

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