International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: June | Volume: 9 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 203-215

Quality of Life & Lived Experience of Mothers and Their Felt Needs of Children Diagnosed With Cancer in a Selected Hospital in Mangaluru - Pilot Study Report

Ms Seema S Chavan1, Mr. Charanraj K R2

1Associate Professor / HOD, Department of Pediatric Nursing, Father Muller College of Nursing, Mangalore
2PhD Scholar, Roshini Nilaya College of Social Work, Mangalore

Corresponding Author: Ms Seema S Chavan


Background: Family plays an important role in a child’s life more so when the child is sick and diagnosed with cancer. Parents of child with cancer face several challenges during the child’s sickness and affect their life.

  1. Quantitative To assess the Quality of life of mothers of children diagnosed with cancer
  2. To describe the mothers felt needs of children with cancer during their hospitalization
  3. To find association between Quality of life of mothers ,mothers felt needs of children diagnosed with cancer & selected demographic variables
  4. To find correlation between Quality of life of mothers & needs of children diagnosed with cancer


  1. To elucidate mothers lived experience during a child’s cancer treatment

Methods: A mixed method approach and sequential exploratory design was used. Subjects consist of 10 mothers of children with cancer for quantitative and 3 mothers for qualitative. Subjects were selected purposively and nested identical sampling was used.
Results: Study showed that majority (70%) of sample had their family income >Rs10,000/-
& half (50%) of sample had their family member affected with cancer. (40%) of Mothers of children with cancer had moderate QOL & (30%) had poor & good QOL. QOL score was highest in the care related area (78.5%) with mean±SD of 15.7±2.5 whereas least in the area of financial & spiritual (64.37%) with mean±SD of 10.3±4.6. Mothers felt needs of their children with cancer was highest (100%) in future condition, therapeutic choices, basic needs, doctors consultation, services from hospital, spiritual advice & abandoned within the society There was a strong positive correlation between Quality of life of mothers & mothers felt needs of children diagnosed with cancer (r=0.78;p<0.05). Meta inference showed that issues faced by the majority of the mothers of children with cancer were in areas related to Psychological (82.7%) followed by physical (80%), social relationship (75%) and spiritual (50%) related.
Interpretation and Conclusion: Study found that, majority of the mothers felt need about their child with cancer was 100%. in areas related to future condition, therapeutic choices, basic needs, doctors consultation, services from hospital regarding the affected child, spiritual advice & being abandoned within the society

Key words: Quality of life, lived experience, mothers felt needs and children with cancer

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