Review Article
Year: 2019 | Month: March | Volume: 9 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 261-267
Mizāj (Temperament) - A Scientific Approach to Describe Its Formation
Neha Siddiqui, Huma Hasan, Mohd Anus Ansari
Research Scholar, Department of Kulliyat, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College,
Aligarh Muslim University, UP, India, 202002.
Corresponding Author: Neha Siddiqui
Purpose: In this paper, we shall try to elaborate the concept of Mizāj (Temperament) in the light of contemporary developments that is the formation of compounds at atomic and molecular level and try to elaborate the elemental concept of Mizāj which is thought to be the most appropriate theory regarding Mizāj.
Background: Mizāj is the most vital however difficult theory of Unani medicine. Several Unani scholars have explained it at length in the past. Despite of all the descriptions and lengthy argumentations, its accurate and substantial meaning could not be resolute and is still undecided.
Methodology:The role played by humors in the formation of temperament is indistinct. Sometimes temperament is indicated as a uniform quality created in the compound by interaction of opposite qualities of elements (Arkān) and sometimes it is characterized as a dominant humoral quality. The actual ground of these differing statements about Mizāj is the concept of four qualities and also deprivation of information of Unani physicians about the forces which leads to the combination of elements due to lack of advancements in that era. Out of so many theories and concepts that have been given regarding Mizāj, understanding them one by one, we shall try to approach the most appropriate one.
Conclusion:The role of qualities of elements, and humors, and diet in the formation of temperament as described by Unani physicians, are indirectly related to the role of elements in the formation of temperament; as humors and diet both are formed by elements as well and qualities of elements here is an indicative of the atomic structure.
Key words: Mizāj, Temperament, Unani medicine