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Review Article

Year: 2019 | Month: March | Volume: 9 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 238-244

Ethics in Dentistry - A Review

Monika Prasad1, Manjunath C2, Archana Krishnamurthy3, Shilpashree K. B4, Aishwarya Sampath1, Shefali Jaiswal1, AnkitMohapatra5

1Post Graduate Student, 2Professor, 3Professor & Head, 4Reader, 5Assistant Professor,
Department of Public Health Dentistry, the Oxford Dental College, India

Corresponding Author: Monika Prasad


Background: This article focuses on ethics among dentists. Dental ethics would mean moral duties and obligations of the dentist towards his patients, professional colleagues and to the society. There are four basic principles which act as guidelines for decision making.
Findings: Ethics forms an important part of a profession. The code of ethics prescribed by regulatory bodies as well as professional associations act as a guiding light in distinguishing between the right and the wrong, observing one’s duties and maintaining good interpersonal relationships.

Key words: Dentistry, Ethics, Moral, Profession.

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