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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: June | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 60-64

Gelatinous Marrow Transformation (GMT): A Disease or a Symptom of Underlying Disorders

Rachna Khera1, Garima Goel2, Tejinder Singh2

1Consultant Pathologist, Department of Lab Medicine, Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital & Research Institute, Hyderabad, INDIA
2Department of Pathology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi- 110002, INDIA

Corresponding Author: Dr. Rachna Khera


Introduction: Gelatinous marrow transformation (GMT) is a rare condition characterized by fat cell atrophy, focal hypoplasia of haematopoietic cells and an accumulation of extracellular gelatinous substances. The purpose of this study was to study the spectrum of underlying disorders associated with GMT in our setup.
Methods: This study reviews 109 cases of GMT with bone marrow aspirate, biopsies, haematological and clinical profile of all patients diagnosed with GMT over a period of 10 years. GMT was diagnosed in BM biopsy based on characteristic morphological appearance and was confirmed by alcian blue positive staining pattern at pH levels of 2.5.  
Results: The age of the patients with GMT ranged from 7 months to 68 years. Twenty four (24) out of one hundred and nine (109) cases were in paediatric age group (less than 15 years). Mean age was 27.05 years. Most common association was seen with nutritional deficiency followed by post-chemotherapy and HIV cases. 
Conclusions: GMT is a relatively uncommon condition, an indicator of severe illness and often underdiagnosed. A high index of suspicion is required to diagnose this condition.

Key words: Gelatinous marrow transformation (GMT), fat cell atrophy, focal hypoplasia, haematopoietic cells.

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