International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Review Article

Year: 2018 | Month: May | Volume: 8 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 337-341

Menopausal Syndrome and Its Management with Ayurveda

Dr. Gati Krushna Panda1*, Dr B.C. ARYA1**, Dr Mahendra kumar Sharma1#, Dr Mamta Rani2*

1Associate Professor & Head, 2Assistant Professor,
*Department of Prasooti Tantra & Stree Roga, **Department of shalya Tantra, #Department of Kaumarabhritya,
M.S.M Institute of Ayurveda, BPS Mahila Vishwavidhyalaya, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat, Haryana

Corresponding Author: Dr. Gati Krushna Panda


Menopause, a phenomenon unique to women and a unique experience for every woman, is the ending of a woman’s monthly menstrual period and ovulation. It, alongside, forebodes several other changes in the body and mind, brought in due to a decline in the amount of the hormones estrogen and progesterone being produced by the body. Menopause is, occasionally, viewed as an end to youth and sexuality, making it a socially unacceptable occurrence. Moreover, menopause is not a disease either, but a natural and inevitable process in a woman’s life. If it is viewed in the right perspective it heralds the dawn of a period of greater freedom and liberation from the restrictions of youth.
However, menopause, though, one of the important physical and mental milestones in a woman’s life, many women lack concrete information about what is taking place and what are their options. As a mode of lifestyle and that of alternative therapy, Ayurveda entails a holistic physiological system based on balance, with its cardinal doctrine of human physiology being constituted by “vata”, “pitta” and “kapha” and the natural components of earth, water, fire, air and other. Ayurvedic lifestyle is essentially based on the principles of naturopathic lifestyle with a lot of insistence on discipline and control with medications consisting of herbs and mineral wealth; making use of techniques such as yogic means and massages. Generally there are two broad groups of treatment: measures calculated to maintain the health of healthy people; and measures which focus on the cure of specific disease. In menopause, lifestyle factors play an important role and positive lifestyle changes can have an enormous impact on conditions which involve the immune system and the endocrine system. A customized lifestyle modification strategy is therefore an essential component in a woman’s approach to ameliorating the symptoms of menopause. This lifestyle choice includes nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, weight management and proper herbal supplementation. A detailed description of menopause is elaborated in the paper.

Key words: Menopause, lifestyle, panchakarma, hormone

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