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Case Report

Year: 2018 | Month: March | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 282-286

Unification or Fusion of Mandibular Central and Lateral Incisor: Case Report

Dr. Srikanth. T1*, Dr. Bala Saraswathi. K2**, Dr. Dilip Chakravarthy2**, Dr. Dhara Dwivedi3

1Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics,
*Ayder Referral Hospital Mekelle, Ethiopia
**C.K.S Teja Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Tirupathi
3Assistant Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Ayder Referral Hospital Mekelle, Ethiopia

Corresponding Author: Dr. Srikanth. T


Fusion is defined as two separately forming teeth joined together while gemination refers to partial development of two teeth from a single tooth bud. Fusion may be either complete or incomplete depending on the stage of development. The overall prevalence of the tooth fusion is approximately 0.5% -2-5% in deciduous teeth and 0.1% in permanent dentition. The exact aetiology is not clear, but it is thought that some pressures or physical forces may cause the contact of developing teeth. The case report presented here highlights a case of fusion between permanent mandibular central incisor with lateral incisor in a male patient.

Key words: Fusion, Gemination, unification, Developmental anomaly, Morphological, Tooth germs

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