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Case Report

Year: 2018 | Month: February | Volume: 8 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 302-303

Embedded Tooth - Radiographic Images and Case Report

Dr. Mohd Saalim1, Dr. Freny R Karjodkar2, Dr. Kaustubh Sansare3, Dr. Sneha Sharma1, Dr. Archana Mehra1, Dr Satyapal Johaley1

1PG Resident, 2Professor, 3Associate Professor, Oral Medicine and Radiology, Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai, India

Corresponding Author: Dr. Mohd Saalim


Teeth that are not erupted completely or erupted partially may be due to one of the cause that is lack of space or loss of eruptive force or ankylosis. The teeth which are not erupted because of lack of space or any obstruction in their path of eruption are called impacted, those which are not erupted because of lack of eruptive force are called embedded and those are not erupted fully because of ankylosis are called submerge teeth. Here we reported a case of embedded tooth. The purpose of this report is to provide radiographical pictures of embedded tooth that will allows better understanding of the topic embedded tooth because no book has pictorial presentation of embedded tooth as best of my knowledge.

Key words: Embedded tooth, unerupted tooth, impacted tooth, radiographic image.

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