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Case Report

Year: 2018 | Month: November | Volume: 8 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 318-321

Anaesthetic Management of Child with Laryngeal Papilloma Causing Airway Obstruction

Dr Kiranpreet Kaur1, Dr Savita Saini2, Dr Garima Vashist3, Dr Mamta Bhardwaj1, Dr Sumedha Vashishth4, Dr Priya Malik5

1Associate Professor, 2Senior Professor and Head, 3Assistant Professor, 4Senior Resident,
Department of Anaesthesiology, Pt.B.D.S. PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India.
5Senior Resident, Department of Otorhinolaryngology Pt.B.D.S. PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr Sumedha Vashishth


We present a case of a nine year old female weighing 28kgs whose presenting complaints were respiratory distress, stridor, progressive difficulty in breathing since past two months and near aphonia from one month. Induction was done with 100% oxygen with 6% sevoflurane. Patient was induced in spontaneous respiration. Patient was intubated with uncuffed ETT of size 3mm ID as sufficient space was not available for a bigger size tube. After complete excision of papillomas and achieving spontaneous ventilation, patient was extubated successfully and was relieved of all obstructive symptoms.

Key words: laryngeal papilloma; airway obstruction

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