International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: September | Volume: 7 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 35-43

Urine Analysis of School Age Children of Dharan Municipality, Nepal

Santosh Upadhyaya Kafle1, Binaya Tamang2

1Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Birat Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Tankisiniwari, Morang, Nepal
2MSC final year student, Department of Biochemistry, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal

Corresponding Author: Santosh Upadhyaya Kafle


Introduction: A urine test checks different components of urine, a waste product made by the kidneys. A regular urine test may be done to help for finding the cause of symptoms. The test can give information about our health and problems we may have.
Objectives: -To assess the prevalence of urinary abnormalities in school-aged children of Dharan Municipality, Nepal.
- To provide report of the urine analysis to the students which may help for their further health consciousness?
Methods: Cross sectional, purposive sampling study of 200 urine samples of school age children (≤10 years) of different schools was done.
Results: 54% and 46% were male and female subjects among which the lowest and highest age was 5 and 10 years respectively. Most common pH finding was 6.0, yellow color followed by straw color and clear white respectively. Highest specific gravity of urine was 1.015(80%) followed by 1.020 (44%). Ketone bodies and bilirubin positivity were found in single sample each. 7% of urine samples had bacteriuria along with 13 cases showed nitrite positivity. Two urine samples had trace amount, while one showed 1+ amount of glucose.
The frequency of leukocyturia showed trace, 1+ and plenty amount in nine, three and in one individuals respectively. Hematuria was found to be seen in 8% cases with 2+ in one individual. Eight students had positive protein value, of which seven had trace and one had 1+ in amount. One student had plenty of epithelial cells followed by 1+ and trace amount of epithelial cells by two and five students respectively. One had dumble shaped crystals followed by two having each of amorphous, phosphate, calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals respectively. The cross tabulations between the gender with presence of RBCs, WBCs, occurrence of heamaturia and bacteriuria showed significant p-values.
Conclusion: Mass urinary screening proved to be a useful tool to identify children with asymptomatic progressive renal diseases. Furthermore, the delivery of the report and counseling them for further preventive measures may also help in improving their condition.

Key words: Urine analysis, School-aged children, Urine sample,

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