Case Report
Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 484-487
Laparoscopic Management of Pelvic Puerperal Abscess
Dr Neha Goyal1, Dr Nikita Trehan2, Dr Hafeez Rehmaan3, Dr Dhruv Gohil4
1MS Obs Gynaec, 2DNB Obsgyn, FMIS, 3MD Obsgyn, 4MS Obsgyn,
Sunrise Hospital Delhi
Corresponding Author: Dr Neha Goyal
Puerperal infections are a leading cause of morbidity even in the present era especially in developing countries. With advent of potent antibiotics most of the cases are managed conservatively, however resistant cases still warrant a surgical exploration. Traditionally it meant laparotomy, however with improving minimal invasive techniques and skills laparoscopy might be a suitable alternative in properly selected patients. We report our experience of successful management of one such case laparoscopically.
Key words: Puerperal infection, pelvic abscess, laparoscopy.