International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Review Article

Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 422-433

Maternal Nutritional Status and Its Relation with Birth Weight

Ms. Sarika Tyagi1, Dr. Gurudayal Singh Toteja2, Dr. Neena Bhatia3

1Ph.D Scholar, Department of Food and Nutrition, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi,
2Scientist ‘G’ and Head, Division of Nutrition and CNRT, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi,
3Associate Professor and Head, Department of Food and Nutrition, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi,

Corresponding Author: Ms. SarikaTyagi


This study aimed at establishing a relation between maternal nutritional status and birth weight through a literature search. For this review more than 200 research articles have been screened out on the subject and 101 relevant studies have been identified and included in paper writing. Maternal nutritional status could be considered as primary predictor factor for birth weight of infants. This relationship is influenced by many factors. Dietary intake during pregnancy is the main determinant of birth weight. Not only macronutrients but micronutrients also play important role in the growth and development of fetus. Micronutrient status during pregnancy is correlated with the birth weight of neonate. Prepregnancy maternal weight < 45 kg, height < 145 cm and low BMI < 18.5kg/ M2 are associated with low birth weight and adverse birth outcomes. Low socio economic status is the strongest predictor for low birth weight. Although it does not affect it directly but indirectly it affects all the variables that can directly cause low birth weight. Educational level of mother also plays important role. Hence maternal nutritional status is the major factor affecting the fetal growth and birth weight and is influenced by many biological, social and demographic factors.

Key words: Maternal nutritional status, adverse birth outcomes, Low birth weight

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