International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 351-357

In-Vivo Evaluation and Comparison of Ileal Digestibility of Indispensable Amino Acids (IAA) of Formulated High Protein Cookies in Normal and Uremic Rats

Girija K, R Radha

Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore – 641 043

Corresponding Author: Girija K


Objective: The aim of this study is to formulate the high protein cookies incorporated with egg white powder and to determine the ileal digestibility of Indispensible amino acid for the formulated high protein cookies in uremic female wistar rats.
Methods: Female wistar rats of age 8-12 weeks were selected for the study. The rats were grouped as control and uremic group. Nephrotoxicity was induced in wistar rats by administration of gentamicin 80 mg/g/day intraperitoneally. The rats were fed with cookies for 14 day period. Each day each rat received its diet for 10 minutes period as nine meals given at hourly intervals (0800-1600 hour). On the 14th day, from 5-7 hours, the rats were asphyxiated with carbon dioxide and decapitated. The 20 cm of ileum immediately anterior to ileocaecal junction was dissected out and ileal contents were flushed using distilled water, freeze dried and subjected to chemical analysis.
Results: The formulated cookie and ileal digesta were estimated for indispensible amino acid using high performance liquid chromatography. It was found that the rate of absorption of phenylalanine and methionine were found to be higher in uremic rats compared to the control group. The other indispensible amino acids were poorly absorbed at the terminal ileum in uremic rats showing significant decrease in absorption.
Conclusion: From the study it is concluded that the protein absorption is better in uremic rats and hence it can be recommended for subject with kidney disease. Hence kidney disease subjects should consume adequate high biological value protein to compensate the protein loss.

Key words: High Protein Cookies, Uremia, Indispensible amino acid, Protein absorption

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