Original Research Article
Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 30-33
Sleep Problems among Rural Preschool Aged Children
Dr. Praveen S Bagalkot1, Dr. Mayur S. S.2
1Prof. Pediatrics Dept., 2Prof. Community Medicine Dept.,
SDM Medical College and Hospital, Dharwad, Karnataka.
Corresponding Author: Praveen S Bagalkot
Objective: To study the sleep pattern and sleep problems among rural preschool aged children. Material and Methods: This is community based cross sectional study among preschool children conducted in rural area of Yadwad, Dharwad District from February 2012 to April 2012.
Results: A total of 80 preschool aged children were studied. Maximum children 31 (37.50%) were in age group of 49-60 months. 45 (56.25%) children required bedtime patting. 20 (25%) children had nocturnal enuresis and sleep talking. The majority children 23 (28.75%) had bedtime problems and mere 6(7.50%) children had sleep disordered breathing on BEARS screening. Specific sleep problems were more in joint family (χ2 = 12.58, df = 1, p = 0.0004, HS) and working parents.
Conclusion: sleep problems in rural preschool children are common and clinically important. The evaluation of sleep in children should be as natural and as routine for the pediatricians as is the evaluation of nutrition, exercise and development.
Key words:BEARS questionnaire; nocturnal enuresis; preschool children; sleep problems