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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 284-289

A Retrospective Study on Maternal Factors associated with Preterm Birth at Sri Guru Ram Das Hospital, Amritsar, Punjab

Ravneet Kaur1, Gopal Singh Charan2, Tamil Selvi3

1Lecturer, Amandeep College of Nursing, Amritsar, Punjab
2Associate Professor, SGRD College of Nursing, SGRDIMSR, Amritsar, Punjab
3Associate Professor, Sri Balaji College of Nursing, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Corresponding Author: Gopal Singh Charan


Pre-term birth (PTB) is a major determinant of neonatal mortality, morbidity and childhood disability and remains one of the most serious problems. PTB is defined as gestational age at birth of less than 37 completed gestational weeks. It is further classified into three main categories: mild, very pre-term and extremely pre-term for births occurring at 32–36 weeks, 28–31 weeks and less than 28 weeks respectively, with average frequencies of 85%, 10% and 5%, respectively. A retrospective study was conducted on maternal factors for preterm birth. Data was collected from preterm documents (files) at Sri Guru Ram Das Hospital, Amritsar, Punjab. Enumerative sampling technique was used for selection of sample. A self made checklist of maternal factors was used for collecting data. Data included socio-demographic variables of mother and preterm baby, clinical parameters of mother & preterm baby and the maternal factors. Data analysis was done with the use of statistical software SPSS 17.0. The study results revealed that 37.3% (38) of the mothers were having antepartum hemorrhage, 22.5% (23) were having PPROM, 17.6% (18) had abortion history, 16.7% (17) had oligohydramnios, and 13.7% (14) were having pregnancy induced hypertension as factor for preterm birth. Maternal factors found significantly associated with preterm birth were PPROM (F =5.659, p-value=0.001), Twins (F =6.567, p-value=0.000) and Underwent ART (F=2.223, p-value=0.05). Association of maternal factors such as diabetes (p value = 0.000), hypothyroidism (p value = 0.000), drugs before pregnancy (p value = 0.000) and still birth (p value = 0.001) were found significantly associated with socio-demographic variable i.e. religion. Similarly, maternal factor PPROM was found significantly associated (p value = 0.011) with birth weight of baby at p value <0.05.

Key words: preterm birth, maternal factors, retrospective study.

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