International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 13-18

Out of Pocket Expenditure for Yellow Fever Vaccination in India

Amitabha Dan1, Kanchan Khandare1, Pragati Gaikwad1, Achhelal Pasi1, M Jalaluddeen1, S K Singh2

1Airport Health Organisation, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare – Government of India, Mumbai
2International Health Division, Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare – Government of India, New Delhi

Corresponding Author: Achhelal Pasi


Introduction: Yellow fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected Aedes mosquitoes. Though the cost of yellow fever vaccine is Rs 300/- only, as fixed by the government of India, the actual expenditure incurred by passengers is much more. Present study explores the out of pocket expenditure incurred by the passengers to take the yellow fever vaccine.
Material & Methods: Present study was conducted in Yellow Fever Vaccination (YFV) centre of APHO Mumbai. Data was collected from 150 persons who attended YFV centre of APHO Mumbai between January to March 2016. Out of pocket expenditure for receiving Yellow Fever Vaccine included direct cost of Vaccine, Local travel expenditure incurred to reach to the Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre, Lodging and Food Charges, Loss of salary or wage. Data was collected by using standard questionnaire.
Results: Out of 150 travelers, more than 80% were travelling to Africa. Direct cost of one dose of Yellow Fever Vaccine was Rs 300/- only. Average out of pocket expenditure was Rs 2153 per person with range from Rs 400 to Rs 26950. Out of pocket expenditure was positively correlated with income of the passenger and distance to be travelled to reach to Vaccination centre. Distribution of YFV centres is scattered and is unevenly distributed across the states and zones.
Conclusion: Indirect cost for Yellow Fever Vaccination is more than the direct cost of the Vaccine. Bringing the services more close to beneficiaries will reduce the travel time and loss of salary or income hence reducing the out of pocket expenditure for yellow fever vaccination.

Key words:Out of pocket expenditure, Yellow Fever Vaccination, YFV centre, YFV charges, APHO Mumbai,

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