Case Report
Year: 2017 | Month: July | Volume: 7 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 370-375
Management of Open Apex Using MTA and Reinforcement of Weekend Root with Customized Fiber Post- a Case Report
Jahnavi. B1, Dr. K. Sasidhar Reddy2, Dr. S. Datta Prasad3, Bala Saraswathi. K1
1Post graduate, 2Professor, 3Professor & HOD,
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, C. K. Stheja Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Tirupathi.
Corresponding Author: Jahnavi. B
Management of non-vital teeth with open apex is a challenge to dental practitioners. In this scenario, it is difficult to maintain the obturation material within the confines of root canal without encroaching into periapical area. Apexification aims to induce apical closure of the open root apex with hard tissue barrier, against which root filling can be compacted. Also, a thin dentinal wall of canal is matter of concern. Hence, the present case report present the use of MTA to form an apical plug in open apex followed by root canal obturation using thermoplasticized gutta-percha and reinforcement of weekend root with customized fiber post.
Key words: Dental trauma, Ellis class IV fracture, Open Apex, Custom Modified Fiber Post.