International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: July | Volume: 7 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 273-279

Assessment of Health Promotion and Lifestyle for Hyperlipidemicsin Maldives

Malaha Abdul Rasheed1, Gurjeet Kaur Chawla2

1Student, 2Research Supervisor,
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Applied Science, ManavRachna International University,Faridabad, India

Corresponding Author: Malaha Abdul Rasheed


Health promotion is a process that allows people to control their actions in a way to improve their health status. It includes the person’s behavior towards their environment and society. The questionnaire, Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile II was used to assess the lifestyle pattern and behavior of the subjects. The 52 statements were categorized into 6 sub categories with an option to select the frequency of the act in their routines. The overall score for the HPLP II was 2.6±0.5. The score was assessed for subscales which revealed that health responsibility scores was 2.4±0.7, physical activity was 2.0±0.7, nutrition was 2.5±0.6, Spiritual growth was 2.9±0.6, interpersonal relations was 3.0±0.5 and stress management was 2.6±0.6. It can be concluded that the overall score for HPLP II was moderate. Heath relation and physical activity score was low among the subjects while subscales of nutrition, spiritual growth, interpersonal relations and stress management remained moderate.

Key words: Hyperlipidemia, Health Promotion, Spiritual Growth, Nutritional Status, Physical Activity, Stress Management, Interpersonal Relations, Health Responsibility.

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