Original Research Article
Year: 2017 | Month: July | Volume: 7 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 150-155
Impact of Self-Efficacy Enhanced Individualized Teaching on Labour Pain Management among Parturient Women
Alphonsa Lizzy Mathew1, Padma Priya S2, Dr. Renu G3
1Clinical Instructor, Pushpagiri College of Nursing. Thiruvalla
2Professor & HOD, Vydehi Institute of Nursing Sciences, Bangalore.
3Principal, Pushpagiri College of Nursing. Thiruvalla
Corresponding Author: Alphonsa Lizzy Mathew
Introduction: Labour pain can be effectively managed through pharmacological and non- pharmacological measures. Paced breathing technique is an effective non- pharmacological measure used for the labour pain management. Therefore the present study was conducted to assess the impact of self-efficacy enhanced individualized teaching on labour pain management among parturient women admitted in labour ward of selected hospital, Bangalore.
Methods: The study used a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test control group design. Thirty parturient women were selected using convenient sampling. The data was collected using demographic proforma, structured knowledge questionnaire and numerical pain rating scale. The experimental group received individualised teaching on labour pain management and were encouraged to paced breathing exercises during latent phase of first stage of labour whereas control group received routine care. Pre-test knowledge level was assessed during the time of admission and post test knowledge level was assessed after the labour. Pain level was assessed during latent phase of first stage of labour.
Results and conclusion: Data collected was analysed based on the objectives and hypotheses of the study. The present study reveals that overall mean difference between the pre- test and post-test knowledge level in the experimental group is 7.6 with SD± 1.87, which indicates that there is significant difference in the pre-test and post-test knowledge level. The overall mean difference between the pre-test and post-test pain level in the experimental group is 0.73 with SD ±0.59 which indicates that there is significant difference in the pre-test and post-test pain level. The post-test mean knowledge level in the experimental group and control group is 15 and 7.86 respectively and the SD±1.435. Hence there is significant increase in the post-test knowledge level of experimental group. The post-test mean level of pain in the experimental group and control group is 6.64 and 7.33 respectively and the SD ± 2.519. Hence there is significant difference in the post-test pain level in the experimental group and control group
Key words: Self-Efficacy enhanced individualized teaching, Labour pain management, Knowledge, Parturient women.