International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: May | Volume: 7 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 296-301

Analyze of the Risk Factors to the Development of the Brain Tumors

Djamandi P, Brace G, Kaloshi G,Seferi A, Petrela M

University Hospital Center “Mother Teresa”, Neurosurgery Service, Tirana, Albania

Corresponding Author: Djamandi P


Summary Several diseases and medical treatments are discussed as risk factors for the development of brain tumors, including infections, allergy, alterations of immune system, cranial trauma, hormonal factors, epilepsy, cancer family history, etc. Different occupations and exposure to certain substances are continuously considered as risks for brain tumors. Lower incidence of brain tumors makes it difficult to resolve the debate on the role of environmental triggers in their development. A total 1883 patients with brain tumors are registered from 1993 -2013, 977 (49%) of them were interviewed to review the analysis of risk factors, during the period December 2010-December 2013. We have failed to find a potential correlation between infections and brain tumors, only 2 cases was speculated or rather coexistence between JC virus and cerebral tumors. Regarding allergies by comparing the data of 176 patients with glioma, 134 with meningioma and 53 control subjects, we confirmed that subjects with whatever allergies story (eczema, asthma, etc.) have less risk to be affected by glioma (OR = 0.6 , 96%, 0.5-0.8), but no change for meningioma. In our study we did not found a significant correlation between trauma and brain tumor, while family history was useful in detecting tumors with secondary or metastatic nature, this occurred in 84 patients. Hormonal factors increase the risk for glioma in female, and we determine that the data between epilepsy and tumors are problematic according to the correlation between them. We could not find a correlation between the effects the environmental factors such as domestic, electromagnetic field, but is confirmed that residential exposure may be an important factor in inducing tumors especially in the age of childhood. Our results showed that the risk occupations such as agricultural pesticides or other chemicals have a relatively increased risk for brain tumors; we have failed to confirm the use of mobile as risk factors. The role of medical factors in development of brain tumors is important for some of them, especially hormonal factors, cranial trauma, family history and is without effect specially in allergy, epilepsy, infections. The role of exposure to radiation, chemicals, radiofrequency is unclear, although this is limited by the number of patients included in our study

Key words: brain tumors, risk factors, nervous system

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