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Case Report

Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 391-394

Lid Leishmaniasis: An Atypical Presentation of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

Dr Neenu Kaul1, Dr Vipin Gupta2, Dr Subhash Bhardwaj3, Dr  Devraj Dogra4, Dr Naina Dogra5

1Senior Resident in Department of Dermatology, Maharishi Markendeshwar Medical College and Hospital, (Himachal Pradesh), India.
2Professor and Retired Head, 4Professor and Head, 5Asstt.Professor,
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, GMC Jammu (J&K), India.
3Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology GMC Jammu (J&K), India.

Corresponding Author: Dr Neenu Kaul


A typical lesion of the localized form of cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) is a painless papule that enlarges over a period of several days to weeks to form a nodule or plaque, usually on exposed parts of the body such as the face, arms or legs. There has been an increase in the number of reports for rare and new forms of cutaneous leishmaniasis. The eyelid is a rare site involved by leishmaniasis and only makes up 2 to 5% of cases with cutaneous leishmaniasis. The diagnosis is based on a high index of suspicion regarding the endemicity of the disease in the region. We describe one unusual clinical form of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a 35-year-old man, who noted a small red coloured lesion on his right eyelid 4 months before. The lesion was nodular and measured 1 cm × 1 cm in diameter. A diagnosis of eyelid cutaneous leishmaniasis was made, and treatment was started with three injections of intralesional sodium stibogluconate (100 mg/ml) given on alternate days. He showed a dramatic response, and the lesion almost completely disappeared.

Key words: Atypical leishmaniasis, Cutaneous leishmaniasis, Unusual leishmaniasis.

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