Case Report
Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 376-379
Splenic Lymphoma
B. Ananda Rama Rao1, P. Sai Kumar2, Rama Lakshmi TN2
1Prof of Surgery; SVS Medical College, Mahabub Nagar TS 500902;
2Resident in Surgery, SVS Medical College, Mahabub Nagar Telangana 500902
Corresponding Author: B. Ananda Rama Rao
Splenic lymphoma is an indolent form of mature B-cell neoplasm. It is very rare and overlaps with other lymphomas. The hall mark of clinical presentation is splenomegaly and it usually becomes symptomatic when spleen becomes massive and associated with cytopenia. We discuss here about a 48yr old female with malignant non Hodgkin’s lymphoma- spleen. The case is published for its rarity.
Key words: Splenic lymphoma Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma Splenomegaly.