Original Research Article
Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 284-294
The Effect of Health Service Quality of National Health Insurance Program upon the Improvement of Patient’s Satisfaction in Jember District
Moh. Wildan
Lecturer of Health Politechnic of Malang, Republic of Indonesia
Background: Since its first inception on 1st of January 2014, the National Health Insurance (NHI) program managed by National Security Health Agency has been executed across Indonesia including in Jember district. A survey result suggested that NHI health service implementation in Jember district has not yet been able to provide patients and people with satisfaction upon NHI health service. Good quality of health service will surely influence patients’ satisfaction, and satisfaction will lead to patients’ loyalty towards the institution providing health service as the organizer of NHI program. The research aimed to analyze the quality of health service of NHI program and its influence upon patients’ satisfaction towards the service of hospitals and health centers as NHI program executors.
Method & Material: The research deployed ex-post facto research design, associative explanation level, in the form of causal variable, and with data collection through cross sectional. The research population was patients of regional hospital and public health centers across Jember district as NHI members. Samples were collected through Stratified Random Sampling technique. The measurement of samples was identified through Bernoulli formula. The sample collection was then carried out at each institution providing health service through incidental sampling, while analysis technique was conducted through multiple linier regression.
Result: statistic test showed that value of Multiple R as 0,988 and value of p as 0,000. Value of Fsum-upas 3564,639 bigger than Ftable as 2,01. This indicated that the correlation among free variables simultaneously influence patients’ satisfaction as 98,8%. The correlation might be very strong due to the correlation co-efficient close to 100% or 1. In other words, significant influence in the aspect of Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy and Responsivesness towards patients’ satisfaction of NHI members in Jember district has well-grown.
Discussion: Thus, efforts to improve the quality of health service of members of NHI program in each health centers across Jember district to improve patients’ satisfaction to ensure patients’ recovery that they are eventually loyal to NHI program managed by National Security Health Agency.
Key words: Quality of health service, Patient’s satisfaction, National Health Insurance.