International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 269-274

Assessment of Behavioural Risk Factors of Non-Communicable Diseases among Higher Secondary School Teachers of Kathmandu

Sangita Shrestha

Lecturer, Nepalese Army Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal.


Background: Behavioural risk factors such as smoking, harmful consumption of alcohol has been long associated with the development of many non-communicable diseases (NCDs). 63% of deaths globally and nearly 80% of death in developing countries like Nepal are caused by these chronic diseases1. This study was aimed to assess behavioural risk factors of non communicable disease among teachers of higher secondary school. It was a cross-sectional study among teachers of higher secondary colleges of different higher secondary colleges of Kathmandu Valley.
Materials and methodology: Sampling was done by probability proportion to population sampling technique with a sample size of 345 (282 males and 82 females) teachers were selected. Interview regarding socio-demographic and other variables related information was conducted using the WHO NCD STEPS instrument version 2.2.
Results: The prevalence of smoking, consumption of smokeless tobacco, and alcohol consumption was found 7.05%, 33.97%, and 58.97% respectively. This study unveiled that male and female teachers were consuming fewer amounts of fruits than the WHO recommended average consumption, 4.61 and 4.18 servings of fruits in a day respectively.
Among all teachers 44.68% males versus 30.48% females were overweight and 7.44% males versus 7.31% females found obese in this study. Self-reported cases of hypertension (SBP≥140mmHg) and/or DBP ≥90mmHg) were 6.38% male and 9.75% female where as self-reported cases of Diabetes 2.12% male and no female had diabetes. Teachers who consume tobacco are four times more likely to develop NCDs in male and twenty six times more likely to develop NCDs in female teachers. Teacher who were consuming recommended amount of fruits were six times less likely to develop NCDs in male and eleven times less likely to develop NCDs in female.       
Conclusion: The prevalence of behavioural risk factors of NCDs are higher even in a high educational status. Thus interventional public health awareness approach are needed.

Key words: Behavioural risk factors, Non-communicable diseases.

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