Original Research Article
Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 224-228
Determinants of Midwifery Practice in the Active Management of Third Stage of Labor in Omdurman State, Sudan
Nuhura Andugry1, Afaf Abdalla Adam AbdAlla2, Soad Mohammed Abdalla Elnasry3
1Omdurman Maternity Hospital, Sudan.
2Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing Dept., 3Community Health Nursing Dept.,
Faculty of Nursing, Alneelain University, Sudan.
Corresponding Author: Afaf Abdalla Adam AbdAlla
Background: Active management of the third phase of labor (AMTSL) has been shown to lessen blood loss in women undergoing vaginal childbirth. It could avert maternal deaths and morbidity.
Objective: To assess the Knowledge, skills and identifying barriers to using of Active Management of Third Stage of Labor.
Methods: Institution based cross-sectional study supplemented with observation checklist, was conducted among 50 Midwives in Omdurman Maternity Hospital in Sudan. The questionnaires include open as well as, closed-ended questions which cover social, demographic information, knowledge, and practice of midwives on active management of the third stage of labor. The pretest was done for validity and consistency; data were coded and analyzed with SPSS version 17 then presented in tables.
Result: About 38 (84.4%) of midwives are not familiar with the current national treatment guidelines, while 7(15.6%) were familiar and 12 (26.7%) are able to use AMSTL.
Conclusion: There is malpractice of AMSTL, training and supportive supervision should integrate as necessary to achieve the goals set for Maternal and newborn survival.
Key words: Oxytocin, active management, Third stage of labor, Postpartum Hemorrhage.