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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 202-209

Injury Profile of Professional Indian Tennis Players

Anu Arora1, Shreya Doshi2

1Associate Professor, 2Final Year Student,
School of Physiotherapy, D.Y.Patil University, Navi Mumbai, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Anu Arora


Tennis is characterized by repeated, explosive motions and involvement of several muscle groups during different strokes, which fluctuates randomly from brief periods of maximal or near maximal work to longer periods of moderate and low intensity activity. The volume of play combined with the physical demands of the sport imposes a high load of strain resulting in a number of inter-related intrinsic and extrinsic factors which predispose the subjects to injuries. Hence this research brings out a Comprehensive Injury Profile of Professional Indian Tennis Players with due weightage to the pattern and prevalence of injuries. A cross sectional survey using self-drafted pre validated questionnaire based on with a convenience sample of 100 professional Indian tennis players with mean age of 18.08 ± 5.19, from various national tennis sport complexes were recruited in this study.
Result: 21% players reported of injury at wrist and ankle respectively; 13% in shoulder; 12% in knee; 10% in back; 7% in elbow; 4% in neck; 3% in hand and hip respectively.
Conclusion: Descending order of prevalence of injury is Wrist/Ankle> Shoulder > Knee > Back > Elbow > Neck > Hand/Hip > Head.

Key words: Lawn tennis, tennis injury profile, professional Indian players, prevalence, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors.

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