Original Research Article
Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 91-95
Neoplastic Lymphadenopathy in Head Neck Region - Cytological Study
Patil Amruta A1, Deshpande Kalpana A2, Naik Pooja S1, Shinde Aparna G1
1Assistant Professor, BVDU Medical Collge & Hospital Sangli,
2Associate Professor, Grant Government Medical College, Mumbai
Corresponding Author: Patil Amruta A
Background - FNAC is a gold standard for preoperative assessment of head and neck lymph nodes. It is safe, accurate, easy, effective, fast, minimally invasive, easy to perform and cost effective method. This study was done to evaluate the efficacy of FNAC and establish its reliability as a sole diagnostic method especially in the diagnosis of neoplastic lymph node lesions.
Aims and objectives - To study all neoplastic lesions involving lymph node in the head and neck region and their statistical analysis. To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of fine needle aspiration technique by correlating cytological and histopathological diagnosis.
Methods - We prospectively studied patients referred to the cytology department with clinical diagnosis of lymph nodes swelling in head and neck from July 2011 to June 2013. Detail clinical, cytological and histopathological findings were studied.
Results - The technical accuracy rate was 96.12% with 1390 adequate lymph node aspirates. The malignant lymph node lesions accounted for 122 (8.77%). Metastatic malignancies were most common neoplastic lesion and were common in elderly. Diagnosis of 67 cases was confirmed on histopathological examination with sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 97.87 %.
Conclusion - In this study the lymphoid lesions of head and neck region lymph node are studies with special reference to primary lymphoid and metastatic malignancies involving head and neck region lymph nodes and FNAC appears to be the highly effective method of diagnosis.
Key words: FNAC, Head and neck region lymph nodes, Histopathology .