International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 73-82

Effect of Yogic Interventions on Serum Levels of Interleukin-6 & Interleukin- 10 in Patients with Osteoarthritis Knee

Vandana Awasthi1, Ajai Singh1, Narsingh Verma2, G.K Singh1, Manish Yadav1, Abhinav Verma2

1Department of Orthopedic Surgery and 2Department of Physiology,
King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, UP

Corresponding Author: Ajai Singh


The present study was conducted to determine the role of Yoga on inflammatory markers Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and Interleukin 10 (IL-10) in subjects of KOA. One hundred and twenty patients of OA knee were randomized into two groups based on computer generated random table - Group A and Group B. Group A subjects were kept on conventional treatment along with an add-on integrated supervised yoga of 45 min duration in five days in a week of five set of Asanas. Group B subjects were kept on conventional treatment alone. Conventional treatment was in the form of Quadriceps drill exercises, hot saline fomentation, paraffin wax bath `and analgesic drug on SOS basis. Patients were assessed at baseline and at 6-month interval by measurement of inflammatory biomarkers Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and Interleukin 10 (IL-10) of OA knee in both Group A & B. The Statistically significant fall in both biomarkers IL-6 and IL-10 level were found in the intervention Group A. Further there was a significant reduction in doses of analgesic drugs being given to the patients of Group A. Inflammation level rose significantly in those patients who left practicing yoga. In Group B there was also a decrease in IL-6 and increase IL-10, levels. However this difference was statistically significant. Therefore it can be concluded that yoga therapy resulted in significant decrease in the requirement of analgesic drugs and has also shown to have even complete withdrawal of the drugs in some KOA patients.

Key words: Yogic asana, Interleukins, Osteoarthritis knee, Cartilage, Inflammation, ELISA.

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