International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Short Communication

Year: 2017 | Month: February | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 291-293

Tutorial:  Simple Analytic Framework for Addressing a Problem in Public Health Practice or Epidemiological Research

Dr. Gregory Fant

Visiting Professor, Public Health (Epidemiology), Jodhpur School of Public Health Rajasthan, INDIA


Various types of quantitative health data are used to understand the extent of a public health problem and guide public health decision-making. Statistical thinking, methods, and tests are used with this health data to help produce quantitative evidence. This statistical evidence can illustrate the main features of a public health problem by using statistical ideas to quantify associations or to help assess the success or failure of a public health intervention. In this tutorial, I want to describe an analytic framework that may be useful to address a public health situation containing quantitative data.

Key words: Public Health Practice, Analytic Framework, Epidemiological Methods, Statistical Tests

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