International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: February | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 153-156

Mental Foramen Position, Shape and Size of Mental Foramen in Adult Human Mandibles

Dr Zahoor Ahmad Bhata1, Dr. Altaf Hussain Chalkoob2, Dr Annum Maqboolc Drsartaj Malik3

1PG Scholar, Oral Medicine and Radiology, Government Dental College and Hospital Srinagar
2Professor and HOD Government Dental College and Hospital Srinagar
3Consultant Ambienz Dental Care DPG Govt Dental College Srinagar

Corresponding Author: Dr Zahoor Ahmad Bhata


Purpose of this study was to investigate the most common accurate position of the mental foramen in selected persons which helps in several clinical procedure and nerve block anesthesia. The study sample included 50 human mandibles from govt dental and govt medical college Srinagar irrespective of sex in human the mental foramen is normally present as a single opening on each side of the mandible. Previous studies found the size, shape, number, location, and the direction of the opening of the mental foramen have many variations and these variations are influenced by race and sometimes gender. Mental foramen may not be detected in panoramic radiographs and usually bifurcates at inferior superior or medial lateral plane. The most common Horizontal position of the mental foramen was below the root of second premolar tooth (37.6%). In vertical axis, the location of MF in lower half of body of mandible was found in all OPGs (100%). In vertical distance, Position B, which is measured by distance between 1.0 mm to 1.5 mm, is the most common position of MF in all aspect as viewed in OPGs in Bangladeshi population. In this study, the difference of the location of the mental foramen in different ethnics groups was discussed. Clinicians and anthropologists should expect to find the position of the mental foramen to be symmetrical and below the root of secondpremolar tooth.

Key words: Premolars, mental foramen.

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