Year: 2025 | Month: March | Volume: 15 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 110-117
Myriad Treatment Strategies for Mitigating Apicomarginal Defects - A Case Series
Dr. Himani S Gupta1, Dr. Manan M Doshi2, Dr. Vanashree P Saple3, Dr. Sneha Rajguru4
1Scientific Officer F, Consulting Periodontist Dental Unit, BARC Hospital Mumbai
2Scientific Officer E, Consulting Periodontist Dental Unit, BARC Hospital Mumbai
3Scientific Officer G, Consultant Oral Medicine Diagnosis & Radiology Dental Unit, BARC Hospital Mumbai
4Periodontist & Associate Dentist ACE Dental Clinic
Corresponding Author: Dr. Himani S Gupta
Background: The endodontic periodontic continuum harbours dysbiotic microorganisms, leading to apicomarginal defects with inevitable breakdown of cortical bone. Guided tissue regeneration, using autograft, allograft, xenograft or alloplast coupled with resorbable membranes is a holistic way of achieving predictable regeneration.
Methods and Material: Two varied cases of apicomarginal defects were treated surgically. The first case had an endodontic treatment followed by regenerative surgery using autologous platelet rich fibrin and xenograft. The second case was of surgical intervention with an alloplast and bioresorbable membrane for defect elimination.
Results: Follow-up clinical and radiographic documentation of both cases shows how correct diagnosis and surgical treatment protocol can increase the longevity of compromised teeth.
Conclusions: Guided tissue regeneration with barrier membrane has demonstrated to provide favourable results and has gained wide acceptance in treating unpredictable apicomarginal defects.
Key words: Endo Perio lesion, Guided Tissue Regeneration, Apicomarginal defect