International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume: 14 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 265-271

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240935

Digital Habits and Postural Impact: A Study on Prevalence of Forward Head Posture Among Collegiate Smartphone Users

Shivangi1, Dr. Sumedha Bhatia2, Dr. Shyamal Koley3

1Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, University School of Allied Health Sciences, Lamrin Tech Skills University, Punjab, India.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, University Institute of Allied Health Sciences, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India
3Dean, University School of Allied Health Sciences, Lamrin Tech Skills University, Punjab, India.

Corresponding Author: Shivangi


Background: Smartphone usage has raised concerns about its impact on posture, especially forward head posture. It is the condition when the neck and upper back muscles are strained due to the altered forward position of head relative to the shoulder. The objectives of the present study were to find the prevalence and risk factors of forward head posture among collegiate students engaging with smartphones, also to assess its impact on musculoskeletal health, and to check the influence of smartphone utilization on postural deviation, and promote proper posture and ergonomics through awareness and education.
Methodology: A survey was conducted by using google form which include questionnaires, with components like neck disability index and Smartphone addiction scale. While the patient was sitting, the cervical vertebral angle was measured using the MB ruler software based on a single standard lateral view photograph. The smartphone camera was used to capture pictures for cervical vertebral angle as well as range of motion.
Results: The results showed that, 16.8% of collegiate students showed mild neck pain, 3.2% had forward head posture, and 30.1% utilized more than 5 hours per day with smartphones However, statically highly significant association (<0.001) was shown between the duration of Smartphone usage and the disability status of the collegiate students.
Conclusion: The findings of the study revealed that excessive smartphone use can cause forward head posture, subsequently causing musculoskeletal problems. To prevent this, students should use smartphones ergonomically, maintaining correct posture, taking frequent breaks and stretches.

Key words: Cranio Vertebral Angle, Forward head posture, Information Technology, Musculoskeletal disorders, Neck Disability Index, Smartphone Addiction Scale, Smartphone Users.

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