International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: August | Volume: 14 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 47-51

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240807

Correlation of Low Back Pain and Its Function Limitation Activity in Daily Life Among Office Worker

Krupa Patel1, Dr. Amit M. Patel2

11ST YEAR MPT STUDENT (ORTHOPEDICS), 2Senior lecturer & PG Guide (MPT ORTHOPEDICS), JG College of Physiotherapy, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Corresponding Author: Krupa Patel


INTRODUCTION: Low back pain is associated with physical demands of the workplace, social support, and pain. The normal degenerative aging process, epidemiological studies reveal that poor ergonomic factors in the workplace contribute to low back pain in a back.
Lifting or carrying loads, having a static posture for a long time and frequent bending and twisting have the physical load risk factors consistently associated with work-related back disorders.
OBJECTIVE: To correlate the Oswestry Disability Index and Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale in Office worker.
METHOD: 110 Office worker were selected for the study and the age between 30 to 45 year. A correlation study was conducted between Oswestry disability index and Quebec Back pain disability scale. Through Digital form.
RESULTS: Spearmen’s rho correlation was used for analyse data by using SPSS 20.00. Significant and very strong positive correlation was found between Oswestry disability index and Quebec back pain scale (r=0.91& p<0.05) in Office worker.
CONCLUSION: Oswestry disability index and Quebec back pain scale were correlated in Office worker. Significant and very strong positive correlation found between pain and functional activity.

Key words: Oswestry disability index, Quebec back pain scale, Pain, Functional Activity, Office worker

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