International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: July | Volume: 14 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 119-135

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240716

Utilization and Sufficiency of IEC Materials Related to HIV/AIDS Among Adults in the Community, Kerala – An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Approach

Anjali Krishnan R1, Dr. Jithesh V2, Anjaly N T3

1Research Officer, State Health Systems Resource Centre – Kerala (SHSRC-K)
2Executive Director, State Health Systems Resource Centre – Kerala (SHSRC-K)
Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 695014
3Research Assistant, State Health Systems Resource Centre – Kerala (SHSRC-K)

Corresponding Author: Anjaly NT


This study aimed to assess the utilization and sufficiency of information, education and communication (IEC) materials related to HIV/AIDS among adults aged 18 to 49 years in Kerala. The study adopted mixed-method approach and was conducted through cross-sectional survey using multistage cluster sampling method (n=750) and in-depth interviews through purposive sampling method (n=35). Majority of the adults (72.9 percent) had not seen any IEC materials related to HIV/AIDS during the last six months. Just over half of the adults reported that the IEC materials they found were very useful (58%) and rest were not (42%). Lack of persuasiveness, diversified focus, poor clarity of messages, lack of precision and aesthetic appeal were the main reasons cited by the participants for the non-usefulness. Television was the most preferred source of information (90.7 percent).  Overall knowledge on HIV/AIDS among adults in Kerala was found to be less than 50% (CI: 40±5.87%).  The study found a statistically significant association between knowledge of HIV/AIDS and area of residence (p<0.05). The qualitative findings could be summarized into two themes: Enabling factors in the development and utilization of IEC materials and barriers in the utilization of IEC materials. The availability and accessibility of need-based and context-specific mutually reinforcing IEC messages should therefore be ensured by effective interdepartmental collaboration.

Key words: HIV and AIDS IEC, KSACS, community adults, comprehensive assessment

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