International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: May | Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 502-508

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240565

Effectiveness of Capacity Building Lifestyle Modification on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) on Knowledge and Attitude Among Adolescent Girls of Udupi District, Karnataka - An Interventional Study

Jenifer Silvy Mathias1, Dr. Anitha C Rao2

1Lecturer, MSc Dept of OBG Nursing, Niramaya College of Nursing Udupi Karnataka
2Professor, Department of OBG Nursing, Vidyarathna College of Nursing, Udupi, Karnataka

Corresponding Author: Jenifer Silvy Mathias


PCOS is a hormonal condition that primarily affects young girls and women in their reproductive years. The female reproductive system is regulated by the intricate interactions of five reproductive hormones: progesterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and estrogen. PCOS is a hormonal condition caused by an imbalance in these hormones and it causes abundant body hair, acne, irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles, and hair loss. This study was conducted among 150 adolescent girls who are studying in Pre-University College of Udupi District, Karnataka. A simple random technique was followed in selecting the participants for the study. A demographic proforma, knowledge questionnaire, and attitude scale was used to collect the data from the participants. The pretest knowledge score of the experimental group was 59 (78.7%)  (Moderate), 14 (18.6%) (Poor) and only 2 (2.7%) (Good) ,whereas in control group, the pretest score was 4 (5.3%) (Moderate), 71 (94.7%) (Average), none of them had good knowledge. Seventy five percent of the adolescent girls had an unfavorable attitude in both the experimental and control group. After the intervention, posttest knowledge score showed 75 (100%) (Good) and all had favorable attitude towards PCOS. Thus, the capacity building lifestyle modification program was effective to improve the knowledge and attitude regarding PCOS.

Key words: PCOS, knowledge, attitude, adolescent girls

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