International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: May | Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 54-69

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240507

Effect of Four Weeks Level Ground Side Walking Training on Gluteus Medius Muscle Activation and Gait Parameters in Subjects with Post Stroke Chronic Hemiparesis

Dr. Priya P Darji1, Dr. Shraddha J Diwan2, Shashi Ranjan3, Uttama Lahiri4

1Assistant Professor, Satish Goswami College of Physiotherapy, Monark University, Ahmedabad, India
2Lecturer, SBB College of Physiotherapy, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

Corresponding Author: Dr. Priya P Darji


The Chronic Stroke is the period of recovery that takes place at least six months after the initial stroke event. Regaining the ability to walk is a major goal in stroke rehabilitation. Muscle weakness has been implicated as a factor underlying deficits in gait performance in subjects with stroke. The functions of the Gluteus Medius (Gmed) include initiation of hip abduction and lateral pelvic tilting. Individuals with hip abductor weakness leads to compensatory motion of the lower back, hip, and knee. So aim of the study was to activate gluteus medius muscle by level ground side walking. Subjects with 40-65 years of age both male and female with Post stroke duration more than 6 months and able to walk 10 meter with or without aid or orthosis were included. Subjects with severe spasticity, fixed contractures of adductor group of muscles & Traumatic orthopaedic Disorder of Lower Extremity were excluded. Subjects in this study participated in intervention group 30 minutes of conventional therapy with 30 minutes of level ground side walking training and in control group along with conventional treatment 30 minutes of forward walking training were given. Gluteus medius muscle activation and strength using surface Emg and hand held dynamometer, gait speed using 10MWT and spatiotemporal gait parameters using instrumented shoes along with Foot prints were taken prior and 4 weeks post intervention. On analysis, there was significant improvement in gluteus medius muscle strength and activation, there was significant difference in gait speed and spatiotemporal gait parameters. Based on the results of present study, it can be concluded that level ground side walking is effective in improving strength of hip abductors, spatiotemporal gait parameters and walking speed in post stroke chronic hemiparesis.

Key words: Gluteus medius muscle, side walking, Stroke

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