International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: May | Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 43-53

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240506

Effect of Patient Education on Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Intracardiac Device

Sushama A. Bhandare1, Krupa N. Kataria2, Yuvraj N Athole3, Dr. Girish R. Sabnis4

1Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Seth GSMC & KEMH, Mumbai, India
2,3 Postgraduate Student, Department of Physiotherapy, Seth GSMC & KEMH, Mumbai, India
4 Professor (Additional), Department of Cardiology, Seth GSMC & KEMH, Mumbai, India

Corresponding Author: Sushama A. Bhandare


Aim: To learn about the effect of patient education on anxiety and depression in patients with intracardiac devices.
Background: Advances in the management of arrhythmias and heart failure have resulted in the increasing use of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs). Surprisingly even though these devices may save the recipient's life, these are life changing implying multiple challenges in the process of psychosocial adaptation. Studies suggest almost a quarter of patients experience anxiety and depression after pacemaker implantation which in turn negatively impacts their quality of life. Lack of information may result in self-imposed restrictions affecting ordinary daily life, further increasing psychosocial issues and turning into a vicious cycle. An intervention in the form of patient education is critical for improving self-care abilities, patient outcomes and reducing avoidable hospitalizations.
Methodology: In this experimental study, there were a total of 39 participants with intracardiac devices (post-operative patients who were hemodynamically stable and follow up patients to 1 to 2 months) aged between 18 to 80 years, the outcome measures used were Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire and Cardiac Depression Scale.
Results: The difference between the pre- and post-values within the group was determined by the Wilcoxon-signed rank test. There was a statistically significant difference in both CAQ (Z value -4.801, p- value< 0.0005) and CDS scores (Z value -5.306, p-value< 0.0005). The sub-scales of CAQ showed significant differences with Fear (Z value -4.809, p-value< 0.0005), Avoidance (Z value -3.798, p-value< 0.0005) and HFA (Z value -3.640, p-value< 0.0005).
Conclusion: This study's findings concluded that patients with intracardiac devices had a significant decline in anxiety and depression post-patient education.

Key words: CIEDs - Cardiac implantable electronic devices, PM - permanent pacemakers, ICD - implantable cardioverter defibrillators, AICD - Automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator, CRT - Cardiac Re-synchronization Therapy, CVDs - cardiovascular diseases

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