International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: May | Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 24-35

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240504

Awareness and Knowledge of Matrix Rhythm Therapy for Neurological Conditions among Physiotherapists

Mayuresh Sapkal1, Dr. Tejaswini Jadhav2, Dr. Albin Jerome3

1Physiotherapy Intern, St. Andrews College of Physiotherapy, Pune
2Assitant Professor, St. Andrews College of Physiotherapy, Pune
3Principal, St. Andrews College of Physiotherapy, Pune

Corresponding Author: Mayuresh Sapkal


Aim: To Assess the awareness and knowledge of matrix rhythm therapy in neurological conditions.
Objective: To Assess the awareness of matrix rhythm therapy in neurological conditions by using self-made questionnaire.
To Assess the knowledge of matrix rhythm therapy in neurological conditions by using self-made questionnaire.
Methodology: 325 Physiotherapists were recruited based on the Inclusion and Exclusion criteria. Information about the study was given to the participants. The procedure of the study was explained to the participants. The validated questionnaire was distributed to various Physiotherapists around Pune through an online platform. i.e. through Google forms. The data was collected and was statistically analysed.
Statistics & Results: 325 participants were assessed by using 12 questions out of which 5 were of awareness based and 7 were of knowledge based. Mean and Mean percentage were calculated, which states that 87 % Physiotherapist were aware of Matrix rhythm therapy in neurological conditions and 87% had knowledge for same.
Conclusion: The study concluded that 87% Physiotherapist were aware of Matrix rhythm therapy in neurological conditions and 87% had knowledge of MRT in neurological conditions.
Clinical Implication: This study can be used to spread awareness and knowledge of Matrix rhythm therapy in neurological conditions among physiotherapist. And implementing it as adjunct with other neurological treatments to enhance recovery. Physiotherapists who are knowledgeable about MRT can contribute to evidence-based practice by staying updated on the latest research findings and clinical guidelines related to MRT in neurological rehabilitation,

Key words: Matrix rhythm therapy, neurological conditions, Stroke, Cerebral palsy

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