International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2023 | Month: September | Volume: 13 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 22-27

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20230905

Prevalence of Trismus in Post Operative Oral Cavity Cancer Patients in Rural Area - A Cross Sectional Study

Swaranjali Hogade1, Pradeep Borkar2

1Bachelor of Physiotherapy, 2Associate professor,
Dr. APJ Abdul kalam college of physiotherapy, Loni, Maharashtra, India

Corresponding Author: Swaranjali Hogade


Oral cancer constitutes over 90% of malignancies affecting the oral and maxillofacial region. This is likely due to prolonged use of cigarettes and alcohol. Trismus is a significant complication of oral malignancies or its treatment. It hampers, eating, maintaining oral hygiene, and other social interactions to varying degrees. Trismus is recognized at a late stage due to the lack of understanding regarding early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment thus correct physical therapy is rarely delivered. The presence of physiotherapy intervention would be detrimental to aid in ability of the patient to cope with the effects of the disease or its treatment on their functional capacity and quality of life. Hence the study aimed to identify the prevalence of trismus in oral cancer patients in rural areas post-operatively. To identify whether trismus is prevalent in the post operative oral cavity patients in rural area. Study began after the clearance from the institutional ethical committee and then the patients were selected from the Oncology department of Pravara Rural Hospital.  Informed consent was taken prior to the study and 60 patients were included in the study. The maximum mouth opening i.e., the distance between the two incisors was taken using the Metal ruler to identify the presence of trismus. Out of 60 oral cancer patients, 37 patients had difficulty in mouth opening which accounts for 67% prevalence of Trismus. Trismus is a major complication of oral malignancies or its surgical and radiotherapy management. Early diagnosis of trismus must be taken into account in order to provide prompt intervention and the development of preventive strategies. This study concludes that the prevalence of trismus is 62% in oral cancer patients and the prevalence was highest in maxilla and mandible (67%) followed by buccal mucosa (65%), tongue (45%) and hard palate (40%).

Key words: Oral cancer, Physiotherapy, Radiotherapy, Surgery, Trismus.

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