International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Review Article

Year: 2023 | Month: August | Volume: 13 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 57-63

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20230809

A Review on Thyroid Dysfunction and Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnant Women

T. Rama Rao1, R. Srujana2, J. Namratha3, Rabia Basri4

1Professor and Principal, CMR College of Pharmacy, Kandlakoya, Medchal, India
2,3,4Pharm D, CMR College of Pharmacy, Kandlakoya, Medchal, India

Corresponding Author: T. Rama Rao


Negative pregnancy outcomes have been linked to hypothyroidism that is not appropriately managed. Pregnancy increases the need for thyroid hormone, and many women with pre-existing hypothyroidism require higher thyroid hormone dosages in the 1st trimester. A primary cause of maternal and fetal morbidity, hypertension affects 5 to 10% of all pregnancies and is more severe when it results into preeclampsia. We have aimed for a comprehensive study of hypothyroidism and hypertension. With the objectives, highlighting the most developed disorder, complications and risk factors. Finally focus on management approach.

Key words: Gestational hypertension, gestational hypothyroidism, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

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