International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 69-80

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20230613

Effectiveness of Movement Based Mirror Therapy Versus Task Based Mirror Therapy on Upper Limb Function, Muscle Tone and Grip Strength in Patients with Stroke: A Comparative Study

Dr Shweta Hambir1, Dr Abhijit Satralkar2

1Master of Physiotherapy (Neurophysiotherapy Department) P.E.S. Modern College of Physiotherapy, Pune
2HOD and Professor (Neurophysiotherapy Department) P.E.S. Modern College of Physiotherapy, Pune

Corresponding Author: Dr. Shweta Hambir


BACKGROUND: Stroke is one of the major leading causes of death and disability in India. Motor impairment at the hand is very common and major after stroke. Large numbers of people are left with permanent impairments of arm and hand function, even after completion of conventional rehabilitation programs. Mirror therapy is based on neuroplasticity which explains that the brain tends to recognize visual feedback before proprioceptive or somatic feedback. Studies suggest that mirror therapy leads to better functional recovery of the upper extremities. One major category of MT is movement-based MT (MMT), and another one is task-based MT (TMT). Till now, less literature is done to find out difference between the effects of movement based mirror therapy and task based mirror therapy.
METHOD: 60 individuals were selected and allocated into 2 groups using chit method. Individuals in group A received Movement based Mirror therapy and group B received Task based Mirror therapy. The intervention period was given for 4 weeks, 5 days per week.
RESULTS:  On comparing the performance of MMT and TMT, it is observed that it did not show statistically significant difference for upperlimb function, muscle tone and grip strength. However, both the MMT and TMT training individually showed significant difference on upperlimb function, muscle tone and grip strength in stroke patients.
CONCLUSION: Both movement based mirror therapy and task based movement therapy was effective in improving upperlimb function, reducing muscle tone and improving grip strength in stroke patients.

Key words: stroke, mirror therapy, task based mirror therapy

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