International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 30-34

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20230607

Correlation Between Physical Activity and Work Ability Among Computer Workers

Dr. Kshiti Dirghayu Bhachech1, Dr. Mihirdev Jhala2

1First Year MPT Student, 2Principal,
JG College Of Physiotherapy, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India

Corresponding Author: Dr. Kshiti Dirghayu Bhachech


Background and need of research: The rapid progress of civilization almost completely deprives us of the opportunity for movement and physical effort. It eliminates all these forms based on physical activity, leaving mainly monotonous activities that unevenly load the individual parts and systems of the human body. This phenomenon pertains mainly to office workers. Because of the specificity of the work performed, they are especially exposed to a risk of diseases, and that raises the problem of constructing programmed, intentional physical activity. Therefore, the aim of the study is to evaluate the association between physical activity level and the ability to work among computer workers.
Methodology: An observational study was conducted on computer workers between the ages of 30 and 50. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and Work Ability Index (WAI) were filled out by 103 individuals working as computer workers and submitted through a Google form. Ethical clearance has been obtained.
Result: SPSS version 20 was used for statistical analysis. The data was not normally distributed, so the Spearman correlation test was applied. A positive correlation was found between physical activity and work ability in computer workers (r = 0.730, p= 0.001).
Conclusion: We found in our study that as physical activity reduces, work ability also reduces among computer workers.

Key words: computer workers, physical activity level, IPAQ, work ability, work ability index (WAI)

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