International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume: 13 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 20-24

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20230605

Knowledge and Attitude Towards Down Syndrome Among People at Ahmedabad

Dr. Chaxu Ramakantbhai Modi1, Dr. Mansee Desai 2

1First Year MPT Student, JG College Of Physiotherapy, Ahmedabad
2Lecturer and PG Guide, JG College Of Physiotherapy, Ahmedabad

Corresponding Author: Dr. Chaxu Ramakantbhai Modi


Background: A genetic condition known as Down syndrome (DS) is characterised by the presence of an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. The cause of the extra full or partial chromosome is unknown. Down syndrome affects approximately 1 in 733 live births. Understanding deficiencies in this knowledge and attitude about DS can help us raise awareness among the masses about the genetic disorder, in turn facilitating social insertion of individuals with DS. In this study we assess the knowledge and attitude towards DS among people of Ahmedabad.
Methodology: Young adults were randomly surveyed at community level using a questionnaire which was filled through google form. The questionnaire included 7 questions for knowledge and 7 questions for attitude. Ethical Approval has been taken.
Results: Statistics were done of the 188 participants, out of whom 36%participants had inadequate knowledge and 22% had unfavourable attitude.
Conclusion: It can be concluded from this study that there is a significant gap in knowledge about Down syndrome, which leads to an unfavourable attitude towards people with DS and somewhat misunderstanding of their condition.

Key words: Down syndrome, Knowledge, Attitude

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