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Review Article

Year: 2021 | Month: January | Volume: 11 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 152-156

A Controversial Medicinal Plant Murva: A Review

Keerthana J1, Vijay Javagal2, Rajatha Sheregar3

1M.D(Ayu) Dravyaguna
2Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Rajeev Institute of Ayurvedic Medical sciences, Aduvali, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
3Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, ALN Rao Ayurvedic Medical College, Kachkal road, Chikmagalur district, Koppa, Karnataka, India.

Corresponding Author: Keerthana J


Murva is an important medicinal plant used in Ayurveda for the treatment of number of diseases which includes  Kushta (psoriasis), Jwara(fever),Pandu (Anemia) , Prameha (Diabetes mellitus) and so on. It has been observed that more than one species of plant is used under plant Murva which leads to controversy. Sandigdha Dravya is a term used for medicinal plants having controversial sources, appear in the Ayurvedic classics. The reason for controversy can be listed from one common vernacular name used for two or more different plant species, synonyms and opinion of different authors. Plant based medicines form a very important component of total medicines available for treating various diseases. The increased demand and reduced availability has led to use of different plant species under the name of one plant further arises the problem of controversy. Similarly there is controversy with the drug Murva, that creates huge confusion between different plant sources used in different parts of country. In regards to this purpose, the present work aims to review and differentiate the medicinal plants which are known as Murva.

Key words: Murva, Controversy, Sandigdha Dravya, Ayurveda.

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