Original Research Article
Year: 2021 | Month: January | Volume: 11 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 134-144
The Experience of Men in Nursing: A Feminist Approach Study
Marcio Jiménez-Gutiérrez1, María de los Ángeles Torres-Lagunas2, Guillermina Arenas-Montaño3
1Maestro en Enfermería, Especialista en enfermería del adulto en estado crítico, Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de Ixtapaluca SSA, Hospital General de Zona 1A “Dr. Rodolfo Antonio de Mucha Macías” IMSS.
2Doctora en enfermería. Profesora titular de tiempo completo, integrante de la línea de investigación Cuidado, Cultura y Sociedad del Grupo de Investigación Cuidado a la Vida y Salud de la Persona, Escuela Nacional de Enfermería y Obstetricia de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
3Doctora en salud pública. Profesora titular de tiempo completo, integrante de del Programa Interinstitucional de Estudios de Género, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Corresponding Author: Marcio Jiménez Gutiérrez
According to the report of the Current State of Nursing in Mexico 2018 of the Permanent Commission of Nursing, it is described that 305,204 people practice the profession, of which 14.35% (43,805) are men and 85.65% (261,399) are women. Although the male presence is a minority, the gender and the experience of those who make up and integrate the profession generate transformations for its advancement. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to analyze the experience of men in Nursing. A qualitative study was carried out with an approach in feminist methodology and analysis, using the semi-structured interview as a data collection technique, with the participation of seven nurses from a tertiary care hospital in the State of Mexico. The experience of men in nursing is configured by two categories: men in Nursing and the Personal Knowledge Pattern, men in Nursing and the Aesthetic Knowledge Pattern. These categories describe and analyze aspects related to admission, permanence, privileges, discomforts, gender relations, exercise of power and professional practice of Nursing. Gender is not a neutral term, it has an impact on the professional practice of nurses.
Key words: nurses, feminism, nursing, gender identity