Case Report
Year: 2021 | Month: November | Volume: 11 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 112-114
Cyclopia - A Rare Lethal Malformation
Sunil Kumar Agarwalla1, Upasana Patra2
1Professor Paediatrics, Sishu Bhawan, Cuttack, Odisha
2Junior Resident, Dept. of Paediatrics, MKCG Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha
Corresponding Author: Upasana Patra
Cyclopia is the rare manifestation of most severe degree of alobar holoprosencephaly1. Its most cardinal feature is presence of single eye or partially divided eye in a single socket at mid face with varying degrees of fusion of globes. The teratogenic factors leading to this anomaly include genetics, drugs, infection, radiation. Very few reports have documented this anomaly in newborn. Hence we present a case of stillborn baby of cyclopia with synophthalmia to a 27 year old woman who presented in second stage of labour with USG showing placenta previa. Early prenatal diagnosis, genetic study and proper management of this anomaly should be emphasized for better outcome in future.
Key words: cyclopia; holoprosencephaly; teratogenic; synophthalmia; prenatal diagnosis.