Case Report
Year: 2021 | Month: October | Volume: 11 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 267-271
Esthetic Laser Gingivectomy
S. Hajjaji1, A. Esghir1, H. Hajjami1, A. Boughzella1
1Dental Medicine Department, Farhat Hached Hospital, Tunisia
Corresponding Author: Sihem Hajjaji
Gingivectomy is the surgical removal of gum tissue. This procedure is used to treat gum disease and to eliminate deep pockets resulting from the detachment of gums from the teeth, or for esthetic reasons.
Currently, gingivectomy is the most common procedure performed with dental lasers. All laser wavelengths can be used to precisely incise the gum for restorative, cosmetic and periodontal purposes. Rapid healing and reduced pain are frequently observed after gingivectomy and patients do not require periodontal dressings or sutures.
Key words: esthetic, laser, gingivectomy, smile, surgery.