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Short Communication

Year: 2020 | Month: August | Volume: 10 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 83-89

Theoretical Perspective of Bullying

Krishna Kumari Paudel Subedi

PhD Scholar of Trivuwan University of Nepal and
Nursing Director of Manmohan Memorial Medical College and Teaching, Nepal


Background: School bullying has become a common phenomenon worldwide. A student or a group of students may perform frequent aggressive behavior to a student or a group of students who cannot defend at the time of bullying. Prior to understanding what bullying is one cannot step into implementation of antibullying strategies. But the concept of bullying itself is so complex that, for the conceptual understanding of the same, one must be well understood in its background theories. Hence, it is consensus theoretical concept that some theoretical concept must be explored.
Methods: In This study, various sources such as published and/or unpublished web-based materials were used in order to gather information regarding theoretical foundation of bullying. For preparing this paper, materials were reviewed by using traditional or narrative literature review method. Scholar is doing PHD in TU. This paper was also presented in seminar of Tribhuvan University (TU) as a requirement of partial fulfillment of PHD.
Results: It is substantiated that bullying is viewing differently and people/institution have try to manage using various approaches However, implementation of the various strategies to reduce bullying have achieved only limited success. Therefore, understanding of the bullying from its root is the most
Conclusion: Bullying is differently seen by different individual. In order to address issues of bullying effectively, we must able to use multidimensional strategies. Different theoretical prospective definitely provides clear cut picture and makes easy for implementation of the antibullying strategies

Key words: School bullying, negative behavior, violent behavior

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